Tigre - Gateway to the Delta

Summertime view of a canal in the Tigre Delta, Buenos Aires, taken from a small pier with a hammock in the foreground.
Summertime view of a canal in the Tigre Delta, Buenos Aires, taken from a small pier with a hammock in the foreground.


Tigre is a port town located about an hour north of central Buenos Aires, best known as the gateway to the Tigre Delta. The Delta is a place of stunning natural beauty, making it an ideal destination for a relaxing day trip or a long weekend break.

Main Attractions

The main hive of activity in Tigre is centered around the port area. This is where ferries arrive and depart to and from the Delta. Several tour boats operate from here, as well as a ferry that runs between Tigre and Carmelo in Uruguay. Tigre offers numerous water sports activities and is home to several rowing clubs.

There are many places of interest to visit, including:

  • Naval Museum
  • Tigre Museum of Art: Housed in a stunning waterside mansion, it boasts an impressive collection of fine arts and sculptures.
  • Trilenium Casino
  • Parque de la Costa Theme Park
  • Puerto de Frutos Craft Market

Tigre also has a variety of restaurants and small eateries spread around the area.

Why Visit Tigre?

Tigre is a great place to relax and escape the bustle of the city. It’s perfect for a day trip or a longer stay, offering something for everyone, regardless of age or taste. Check out some videos of places of interest in Tigre for more information.

Did you know?

  • The music video for the song "Un beso de desayuno" by Puerto Rican alternative-reggaeton band Calle 13 was shot in the Tigre Delta.
  • The 1970 film "Muchacho de Tigre," starring local legend Sandro de América (the Argentine Tom Jones), was also filmed in the Tigre area.

How to Get There

  • Rail: The most efficient way to get to Tigre is by rail. The Mitre Line leaves from the centrally located Retiro Station and terminates in Tigre. The journey takes approximately 50 minutes. The ferry port is opposite the station, next to the McDonald's restaurant.
  • Tren de la Costa: This train takes a more scenic route. You can catch it at Maipú or Olivos Stations, and it terminates at Delta Station in Tigre. The station is about a 10-minute walk from the ferry port. Check out our video on the Tren de la Costa.
  • Bus: Bus route number 60 also runs to Tigre. Check the destination before you take the bus, as this route has different termination points. Note that the bus takes much longer to get to Tigre than the train.


Tigre Tourist Office: Gral. Mitre 305

To find out more about using public transport in Buenos Aires, including details on buses, subways, trains, taxis, ride-sharing services, and how to obtain and use the SUBE card, visit the Best Way to Get Around Buenos Aires section.

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