Museo Casa Rosada

Image of an emblem in gate in front of La Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires


Museo Casa Rosada is a fascinating museum located within the iconic Casa Rosada, the presidential palace of Argentina, situated in the heart of central Buenos Aires. The museum offers a deep dive into the political history of the country, showcasing a vast collection of artifacts, documents, and multimedia exhibits that tell the story of Argentina’s leadership and its journey through various historical periods. The Museo Casa Rosada provides visitors with a unique opportunity to explore the rich heritage of Argentine politics and the significant events that have shaped the nation.

Why Visit Museo Casa Rosada?

Museo Casa Rosada offers an insightful and educational experience that delves into Argentina's political and cultural history. Here’s why you should visit:

Historical Significance: The museum is housed in the Casa Rosada, one of the most historically significant buildings in Argentina. It has been the seat of the Argentine government since the 19th century and is where many pivotal moments in the country’s history took place.

Extensive Exhibits: The museum's exhibits include presidential memorabilia, personal belongings of former presidents, historical documents, and photographs that provide a comprehensive look at Argentina's political evolution.

Multimedia Experience: The museum uses modern technology to bring history to life, with interactive displays and multimedia presentations that engage visitors of all ages.

Architectural Splendor: The Casa Rosada itself is an architectural gem, blending Italianate and French styles. The museum offers a chance to explore parts of this iconic building that are not accessible during standard tours of the Casa Rosada.

For more details about visiting hours, exhibits, and special events, visit the official Museo Casa Rosada website.

Did You Know?

Presidential Heritage: The Museo Casa Rosada is located in the former treasury building, which was integrated into the Casa Rosada complex. It showcases the history of the presidency, including the lives and legacies of Argentina’s leaders.

Eva Perón’s Balcony: The museum features an area dedicated to Eva Perón, where you can learn about her contributions to Argentine society. The famous balcony where she addressed the nation is just steps away.

Free Admission: The Museo Casa Rosada offers free admission, making it accessible to everyone interested in Argentina's political history.

Image of an emblem in gate in front of La Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires

How to Get to Museo Casa Rosada


  • Linea A: Get off at Plaza de Mayo Station, which is right in front of Casa Rosada.
  • Linea D: Get off at Catedral Station, a short walk to the museum.
  • Linea E: Get off at Bolívar Station, located near the Plaza de Mayo.


  • Numerous bus routes pass close by, making it convenient to reach the Museo Casa Rosada. Key bus routes include: Routes 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 24, 28, 29, 33, 56, 64, 86, 91, 93, 103, 111, 130, and 152.

To find out more about using public transport in Buenos Aires, including details on buses, subways, trains, taxis, ride-sharing services, and how to obtain and use the SUBE card, visit the Best Way to Get Around Buenos Aires section.

Address: Balcarce 50, Buenos Aires

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