December Weather in Buenos Aires

Plaza Irlanda in Buenos Aires during summer, showcasing vibrant greenery.
Plaza Irlanda comes alive with lush greenery and lively outdoor activities in Buenos Aires during the summer months.

December ushers in the summer season in Buenos Aires, with temperatures averaging between 28°C and 32°C (82°F - 90°F). As the month progresses, especially closer to Christmas and New Year's, it's not uncommon for temperatures to soar to 35°C (95°F). The December weather in Buenos Aires is often accompanied by high humidity, making air-conditioned spaces or access to fans essential for comfort.

Swimming pool in an apartment complex in Buenos Aires
Swimming pool in an apartment complex in Buenos Aires

When considering where to stay, ensure that your accommodation provides air conditioning or at least a fan, as some days can get extremely hot and sticky. It may also be worth booking a place with a swimming pool to help you stay cool and make the most of the hot summer days.

Power Cuts and Overloads:

On particularly hot days, the electrical system in Buenos Aires can become overloaded due to the high demand for air conditioning, leading to power cuts. These outages can vary in length—some lasting just 30 minutes, while others may extend for a day or more. Some buildings are equipped with generators to help combat this issue, so it's a good idea to check ahead with your accommodation provider. In the event of a power cut, elevators will stop working, so if you’re staying in a building with multiple floors, consider booking a lower-floor apartment to avoid climbing several flights of stairs.

Food Storage:

Image of inside of fridge full of food produce

If your accommodation includes a kitchenette with a fridge and freezer, it’s also wise to avoid buying too many perishable foods, as they may spoil during prolonged power outages.

Rain and Weather Patterns in Buenos Aires:

Rainy Street scene in Buenos Aires during a summer downpour
Rainy Street scene in Buenos Aires during a summer downpour

Occasionally, after several days of very hot weather, heavy rain downpours can occur in Buenos Aires, providing a brief but intense break from the heat. These storms can cool things down temporarily, but the humidity usually returns afterward.

City Atmosphere and Outdoor Dining:

Gauchos dancing in La Boca, Buenos Aires
Folklore dance show at outdoor restaurant in La Boca, Buenos Aires.

While many locals head to coastal destinations for their summer vacations, Buenos Aires remains lively in December with numerous holiday events and festivities. The city is alive with vibrant holiday lights, festivals, and open-air events. December's warm weather also makes it the perfect time to enjoy eating outdoors. Buenos Aires offers a range of outdoor patios and rooftop bars where you can soak up the city's energy, relax, and make the most of the pleasant evenings.

Enjoying the Outdoors in Buenos Aires:

A rowing boat on the lake in Bosques de Palermo in Buenos Aires.
A tranquil rowing boat rests on the lake in the picturesque Bosques de Palermo, Buenos Aires.

In addition to the city's vibrant nightlife, Buenos Aires offers beautiful outdoor spaces where you can relax and escape the heat. Take advantage of the city's many parks and gardens, such as the Bosques de Palermo or the Japanese Garden, to enjoy a picnic, a leisurely stroll, or simply some shade. For those looking for more adventure, consider a day trip to nearby attractions like Tigre, where you can explore the Paraná Delta by boat, or visit a traditional estancia for a taste of Argentina's countryside.

Clothing Tips for December in Buenos Aires:

Pack light, breathable clothing, along with a hat and sunscreen to protect yourself from the intense sun. A light jacket can be useful for the occasional cooler evening breeze.

Activities and Weather Considerations:

Lifeguard hut in the distance on a beach near Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires Province.
A lifeguard hut stands in the distance on a sandy beach near Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires Province.

Enjoy the city's holiday charm, but remember to stay hydrated and take breaks in air-conditioned spaces or shaded areas to escape the heat. Around Christmas, many locals start their vacations early and head out of the city to coastal destinations like Mar del Plata and Pinamar. As a result, Buenos Aires can feel a bit quieter, providing a relaxed atmosphere for exploring its attractions. Additionally, keeping an eye on the 10-day weather forecast for Buenos Aires can be a useful tool to plan outdoor activities and ensure you’re prepared for any rain or extremely hot days.

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